Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finding me...

This journey is long overdue and it was inspired this past summer by some amazing people that I had the privilege to grow up with.  This trip back home to remember a wonderful friend we lost and reconnecting with so many friends reminded me of my youth and solidified something I always felt, that I could reach out to any of my childhood friends for any reason and that they will always be there.  That's an amazing feeling and one that I cherish.  Many of us have described the time spent together last summer as surreal.  There were moments when I felt like I was 16 again and at almost 41, that can throw you a little when it happens.  I think it was just the wake-up call that I needed.

Since last summer, I have become very introspective.  I have always believed that we are all a 'work-in-progress' and because of that belief I have devoured every self-help book that I could get my hands on.  When you are continually striving to improve yourself there are, as you can imagine, many lessons learned along the way.  It stands to reason, that if you want to be better at something that you need to study it, to understand it and to learn as much as you can about it.

I want to be better at life.  Before diapers, wipes and 3 am feedings, I used to dream about my life and what I hoped to accomplish.  Staying in love and married to my best friend for 22 years has been a tremendous blessing, creating an amazing family filled with laughter, happiness and chaos has been a wonderful experience as well.  These areas of my life seemed to just fall into place and are part of who I am, but they are only part of what I had hoped to accomplish.  I have come to realize that my true self and my other dreams have virtually disappeared with the titles of wife and mother and so I've decided to write about my plans to uncover those old dreams and come up with some new ones along the way.

At first blush, this may sound selfish, but I am confident that everyone in my life will benefit.  It's sad and kind of short-sighted the way society programs us into thinking that finding out what makes us happy can  translate into selfishness.  I have just started my own business and believe that I have found a career that will make me happy because when you're doing something that you love and are passionate about, it's no longer work. I also believe that my happiness and sense of accomplishment will have a ripple effect on many people in my life and I'm excited about that.

I am going to get better at life and I invite you to share the journey with me.
